Friday 20th October - Jas

Today was a rather chill day, starting off with a nice downpour of rain. We began by painting signs for Oceans Alive gardens. After utilising our artistic talents, we moved on to test out our cookery skills. Dolphin showed us how to make traditional Kenyan chapatis which we then drowned in Nutella (making them slightly less traditional but even more delicious!). Sadie and I then took on the massive responsibility of dying Casey’s hair copper. Having never done it before I think we did rather well, though we did slightly panic when she took an hour to wash it out. Our room then became a full salon, and Teddy gave in to peer pressure and let Annie slick his hair back with the other two boys. We then had another basket weaving lesson where Omar showed us how to weave the rafia belt into a mat. We’re definitely not up to his speed though and spent an hour making just one ring. Some of us played a competitive game of Killer darts which I won for once (I won’t mention the several other games I lost). We then packed for the safari, where some struggled more than others to fit five days worth of clothes into a day pack. Everyone from popes headed to the beach for volleyball which was so much fun, even for us who are not quite up to Teddy’s spiking standards. After a sunset swim, dinner, and some more darts, we got an early night in preparation for our safari tomorrow!!


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