24th January - Thomas

Everyone was feeling great heading to permaculture after some eggy bread and some early morning fish revision for the highly anticipated fish test on Thursday. 

During permaculture we shovelled dirt and cow poo, and carried rocks to make sack gardens. Despite being six members down, four to scuba diving, and two to heatstroke, we made 5 sack gardens for the local community.

In the afternoon we had some delicious spaghetti and afterwards we headed to beach bar for some very competitive fish bingo, more fish revision, and some snorkelling. Later we drove back to the house and had the great idea of digging a hole on the beach, which fit 7 people;  despite nearly being buried alive by the neighbours ridgeback dogs, it was great fun. At the end of the afternoon we swam in the sea with the dogs, and the waves were very large. After that we had a lovely supper of rice and vegetables and then most relaxed and went to bed.

Note: our permaculture project is to help create food security for the local community. The sack gardens have been a very successful introduction and help local families grow their own veggies in their own backyard. They use our permaculture formula which combines plants for natural pest control, fertilisation and soil improvement - and as an important food source for low-income families. Additionally, the sack gardens are irrigated with grey water from households so they are even water efficient! Some of our project beneficiaries are even able to grow enough vegetables to sell or barter in the local village. The Leap students have been a huge help with this project.


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